Saturday, March 1, 2014

United Kingdom Intelligences and Agencies

There are about four domestic intelligences , two foreign intellegences , one signals intelligence and one joint intelligence organisation in united kingdom , and each of them have their obligations under the government of Uinited Kingdom , here the eight intelligences and hope it'll help you to find out about them and their logo! 

MI5 (Secret Service)

The Security Service, commonly known as MI5 (Military Intelligence, Section 5), is the United Kingdom's domestic counter-intelligence and security agency and is part of its intelligence machinery alongside the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS; also known as MI6) focused on foreign threats,Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) and Defence Intelligence(DI). All come under the direction of the Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC). The service has a statutory basis in the Security Service Act 1989 and theIntelligence Services Act 1994. Its remit includes the protection of British parliamentary democracy and economic interests, counter-terrorism andcounter-espionage within the UK. Although mainly concerned with internal security, it does have an overseas role in support of its mission.
Within the civil service community the service is colloquially known as Box 500 (after its official wartime address of PO Box 500; its current address is PO Box3255, London SW1P 1AE).
The service has had a national headquarters at Thames House on Millbank in London since 1995, drawing together personnel from a number of locations into a single HQ facility. Thames House is shared with the Northern Ireland Office and is also home to the Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre, a subordinate organisation to the Security Service. The service has offices across the United Kingdom including an HQ in Northern Ireland.
Details of the northern operations centre in Greater Manchester were revealed by the firm who built it. Plans to open the northern operations centre were reported by The Manchester Evening News in February 2005, and plans to open a permanent Scottish office in Glasgow were reported by The Scotsman in January of that year.

National Domestic Extremism Disorder Intelilgence Unit

The National Domestic Extremism and Disorder Intelligence Unit (formally, the National Domestic Extremism Unit) is a national police unit within the Metropolitan Police Service Business Group .
Originally the unit was set-up within the operational arm of the Association of Chief Police Officers (England & Wales), specifically within TAM (Terrorism and Allied Matters) Committee. The unit reports to the ACPO committee and was answerable to all chief police officers across the country .
In November 2010 it was announced that the three ACPO units commanded by the National Coordinator for Domestic Extremism would be rebranded as the National Domestic Extremism Unit and brought under the control of the Metropolitan Police Business Group by mid-2011. The units were:

NCA (National Crime Agency)

The National Crime Agency (NCA) is a national law enforcement agency in theUnited Kingdom which replaced the Serious Organised Crime Agency. It became fully operational on 7 October 2013 and is a non-ministerial government department. The NCA includes the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre as an individual command, and parts of the National Policing Improvement Agency. Some of the responsibilities of the UK Border Agency relating to border policing also became part of the NCA.
Like its predecessor SOCA, the NCA has been dubbed the "British FBI" by the media. The NCA Director-General, Chief Constable Keith Bristow, has the power to direct other police chiefs to concentrate their resources where necessary, effectively making him the most senior police officer in the country.
The NCA has over 4,500 officers, and an annual budget of £494 million
Internally, the NCA is split into four individual commands: Border Policing, Economic Crime, Organised Crime and the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP). The National Cyber Crime Unit also operates within the NCA. The NCA has jurisdiction to carry out operations under these commands in Great Britain, but not Northern Ireland. Due to the 1998 Good Friday Agreement, the NCA would not be able to carry out its policing role, as it is overseen by the Home Secretary rather than a local organisation as required by the agreement. Therefore, the agency only operates as a customs and border enforcement agency in Northern Ireland.
National Ballistics Intelligence Service (NABIS)

The National Ballistics Intelligence Service, or NABIS, is the U.K.'s intelligence service dedicated to managing and providing detailed information regarding firearm-related criminality. The service aims to use its database to store ballistics information about police cases involving firearms, and consequently maintain it for future use and reference. Three new facilities have been created to test and analyse firearms evidence to help link it with other cases. These are based in BirminghamLondon and Manchester.
The service was officially launched on 1 April 2008 and can be roughly compared to the Integrated Ballistics Identification System operating in America.


there are two foreign intelligences in united kingdom

Secret Intelligence Service (SIS , Commonly Known MI6)

The Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), commonly known as MI6 (Military Intelligence, Section 6), is the British intelligence agency which supplies the British Government with foreign intelligence. It operates under the formal direction of the Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC) alongside the internalSecurity Service (MI5), the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) and Defence Intelligence (DI).
It is frequently referred to by the name MI6 (Military Intelligence, Section 6), a name used as a flag of convenience during the First World War when it was known by many names. The existence of MI6 was not officially acknowledged until 1994.
In late 2010, the head of SIS delivered what he said was the first public address by a serving chief of the agency in its 101-year history. The remarks of Sir John Sawers primarily focused on the relationship between the need for secrecy and the goal of maintaining security within Britain. His remarks acknowledged the tensions caused by secrecy in an era of leaks and pressure for ever-greater disclosure.
Since 1995, the SIS headquarters, have been based at Vauxhall Cross on the South Bank of the River Thames , the service' performance during first world war , second world war , cold war , inter-war period and after the cold war .

Defense Intelligence (DI)

Defence Intelligence (DI) is a member of the United Kingdom Intelligence Community, but differs from the agencies (SISGCHQ, and the Security Service) in that it is not a stand-alone organisation, but is an integral part of the Ministry of Defence (MOD). The organisation employs a mixture of civilian and military staff and is funded within the Defence budget. Like the rest of the MOD, Defence Intelligence was subject to the 2008 'Streamlining' initiative in which 20-25 percent of Central London staff were cut and it has had to continue to find additional savings since. The organisation was formerly known as the Defence Intelligence Staff or DIS, but changed its name in early 2010.
The primary role of Defence Intelligence is that of 'all-source' intelligence analysis. This discipline draws information from a variety of overt and covert sources to provide the intelligence needed to support military operations, contingency planning, and to inform defence policy and procurement decisions. The maintenance of the ability to give timely strategic warning of politico-military and scientific and technical developments with the potential to affect UK interests is a vital part of the process. DI's assessments are used outside the MOD to support the work of the Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC) and to assist the work of other Government Departments (OGDs) and International partners (such as NATO and the European Union). It is this 'all-source' function which distinguishes Defence Intelligence from other organisations such as SIS and GCHQ which focus on the collection of 'single-source' Human Intelligence (HUMINT) and Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) respectively. As such Defence Intelligence occupies a unique position within the UK Intelligence Community.
Defence Intelligence also performs an intelligence collection function - primarily through the military capabilities lodged within the Joint Forces Intelligence Group (created in 2012 from what was formerly known as the Intelligence Collection Group or ICG).


Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ)

The Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) is a Britishintelligence agency responsible for providing signals intelligence (SIGINT) andinformation assurance to the British government and armed forces. Based in "The Doughnut", in the suburbs of Cheltenham, it operates under the formal direction of the Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC) alongside the Security Service (MI5), the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) and Defence Intelligence(DI). GCHQ is the responsibility of the UK Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, but it is not a part of the Foreign Office and its Director ranks as a Permanent Secretary.
GCHQ was originally established after the First World War as theGovernment Code and Cypher School (GC&CS) and was known under that name until 1946. During the Second World War it was located at Bletchley Park, where it was famed for its role in the breaking of the German Enigma codes. Currently there are two main components of the GCHQ, the Composite Signals Organisation (CSO), which is responsible for gathering information, and the CESG, which is responsible for securing the UK's own communications. The Joint Technical Language Service (JTLS) is a small department and cross-government resource responsible for mainly technical language support and translation and interpreting services across government departments. It is co-located with GCHQ for administrative purposes.
In 2013, GCHQ received considerable media attention when NSAwhistleblower Edward Snowden revealed that the agency was attempting to collect all online and telephone data in the UK via the Tempora programme.


Joint Intelligence Organisation (JIOUK)

The Joint Intelligence Organisation is a British intelligence agencyresponsible for intelligence assessment and development of the UK intelligence community’s analytical capability.
The organisation supports the work of the Joint Intelligence Committee(tasked with directing the Secret Intelligence ServiceSecurity Service andGCHQ) and National Security Council by providing intelligence assessments to Ministers and senior officials.
The primary function of the organisation is to provide assessments of situations and issues of current concern, warnings of threats to British interests and identifying and monitoring countries at risk of instability.
Consisting of intelligence analysts from a wide range of departments and disciplines, the Assessments Staff draws upon a range of intelligence, primarily from British intelligence agencies but also diplomatic reporting and open source material.
The Joint Intelligence Committee agrees most assessments before they are circulated to Ministers and senior officials.
The Professional Head of Intelligence Analysis, Jon Day advises on gaps and duplication in analyst training and on recruitment of analysts, career structures and interchange opportunities in order to improve the UK intelligence community’s analytical capability.
The Professional Head of Intelligence Analysis also carries out the development of analytical methodology and training for all UK intelligence community intelligence analysts.

still want to know more about them? you can open up their website , sooner i will write the summary about USA and UK intelligences and Agencies on the next post but maybe i'd like to write it in bahasa indonesia , i mean indonesian languange .
whoopps! thank you for reading and don't forget to click join this site if you wouldn't mind to be my folowers , merci merci! xx

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